Saturday, July 08, 2006

Win a Serial

Inky Blue Allusions is still a fairly new site. We're getting new writers started and adding new features on a regular basis. Writing erotica is something that is important to all of the writers on the team and we think want readers to love our site.

Often people will look at a site and think, "I love this!" or "this isn't working for me" but for some it just isn't worth their time to send an email or sign the guestbook. We've decided that you deserve a little incentive! So we've come up with a little websurvey that asks the questions we really want to know. Anyone who fills in the survey will be entered into a draw for a free serial. Seeing as there are a minimum of writers with their serials up and running, I'll also give you the choice to take either the serial or a free personalized story! That means you can have your personal fantasy written into a story with whatever characters, whatever setting, and whatever activities you choose (with the exception of bestiality, incest, rape, and under 18 sex)!

Just click on the title above to fill in the survey! But it would be a good idea to look at the actual site first. I'll know if you haven't!

I'd love you all to come check it out!


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